1. How can I obtain more information about the program?
A Parent Presentation video is available at the top of this page and the application process can be reviewed here: Overview of APAAS Application Process
2. How do I apply?
Online applications for the 2025-26 APAAS program opened January 6, 2025 and closed at 4:00 pm on February 14, 2025. Please note, no changes or late applications will be accepted.
3. Are there minimum requirements to apply for APAAS?
Any student who lives within our district boundaries at the time of application may apply. In order for the APAAS application to be processed, students must continue residing within our district boundaries. Applicants who move outside of the district boundaries after submitting their application will not be considered for the program. My School Locator
4. What criteria are used for the APAAS selection process?
Criteria considered in the application process include achievement, ability and creativity components. APAAS application criteria are compiled and compared. Program placement is offered to the highest scoring students in order of score until all classes are filled. Applicants may request their child's APAAS application score report by filling out a form that will open in July.
5. What information is considered in the application process?
3rd Grade:
Naglieri Non Verbal Ability Test
STAR Reading
Writing sample
4th & 5th Grade:
STAR Reading
1st and 2nd trimester grades
CAASPP ELA & Math Scale scores
6. Do attendance and discipline play a role in my student's participation in the APAAS program?
Punctual and consistent attendance is essential for every child's educational success. By accepting placement into the APAAS program, you commit to ensuring your child's punctual and consistent attendance throughout the school year. Chronic absenteeism, defined as missing more than 10% of the school year, may result in removal from the APAAS program. Furthermore, attendance patterns that violate Compulsory Education Law, as well as multiple disciplinary referrals or certain suspendable offenses, may also lead to program removal and a return to your child's neighborhood school.
7. Will I be able to apply to all of the six APAAS schools?
Yes, students may apply to any of the six APAAS schools: Brywood, Deerfield, Eastshore, Santiago Hills, Bonita Canyon and Westpark (year round). Westpark starts in July and and acceptance into this school is a commitment to begin school in July. Please note that for the 2025-26 school year Turtle Rock will have 5th and 6th grade classes only.
8. Will my student be placed in his/her first choice school?
Although we do our best to place students in their first choice school, due to multiple factors this is not always possible. Class capacity and teacher to student ratio are just some factors we take into consideration.
9. May I make any changes to the application once submitted?
No, we do not accept any changes once the application has been submitted.
10. What number of applicants are admitted?
We receive approximately 1,000 applications for 4th, 5th and 6th grade. There are approximately 200 openings for 4th grade. Openings in the 5th and 6th grade program vary each year.
11. With so many applicants, why doesn’t IUSD open another APAAS school?
IUSD has invested much into its GATE-cluster program in order to provide a highly challenging, academic program for all gifted and advanced learners. With a large population of high-performing students, IUSD is committed to fostering a rigorous academic program within each of its schools. The GATE-cluster classroom at each school site incorporates best practices for gifted and advanced learners. APAAS is a specialized academic program that not all students would thrive in. APAAS’ design is centered on serving students who have a preference for learning via unique instructional methods. When asked to demonstrate content understanding, these students often prefer to create their own approach. APAAS incorporates options into the curriculum and instruction in order to foster a unique academic environment.
12. Which schools have APAAS classes?
APAAS is offered at the following school sites for the 2025-26 school year: Brywood, Deerfield, Eastshore, Santiago Hills, Westpark (year-round calendar), Bonita Canyon - Grade 4 only, Turtle Rock - Grade 5 & 6 only.
The APAAS program currently housed at Turtle Rock Elementary will be transitioning to Bonita Canyon Elementary School beginning in 2025-26. Over the next few years, each incoming 4th grade will be added until the full program is established at Bonita Canyon Elementary.
13. What is the difference between APAAS and GATE?
Both GATE and APAAS classes provide curriculum instruction aligned to grade level common core standards.
The GATE program is organized with gifted students placed together in a cluster group of like-minded individuals in a general education classroom. Specialized training with differentiated instruction and meeting the needs of the gifted learner has been provided for the teacher. All students identified as gifted may take part in the GATE program.
The APAAS, Alternative Program for Academically Advanced Students, is an elementary school program option for students in 4th through 6th grades. The program is designed to meet the needs of a unique population of highly intellectual learners who consistently prefer creative outlets to demonstrate their understanding of content. Students successful in the program are individuals who have an innately high level of curiosity, think outside the parameters of conventional ideas, and are motivated by complex, open-ended options. The program is constructed for students who independently handle high-level assignments, collaborate with others, have a strong foundation in math and reading, and can express ideas in writing. A student does not need to be GATE-identified to participate in APAAS.
14. How will I know if APAAS is the right placement for my child?
Students who are successful in the APAAS program have a high level of curiosity, work independently, thrive on open-ended options, are intrinsically motivated to learn, and are comfortable with expressing their ideas in writing.
15. How well do students adjust to moving to a new school in order to attend an APAAS program?
This depends on many factors including maturation, temperament, social/emotional elements, and the child’s desire to be in this type of academic environment. Most students make the adjustment over a period of a few weeks.
16. My child is involved in several extracurricular activities. Will the added rigor of this program be too much for him/her?
Many successful APAAS students participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and other programs. Most people, in general, benefit from unscheduled time during the day and/or week in order to maintain a healthy attitude and perform at their best.
17. Once admitted to the program, may I transfer to another APAAS school site?
In spring, parents of current participating APAAS students will be asked to complete a Continuation Form. On this form, parents may request a transfer to another APAAS school site for the following year. If there is space available, transfer requests will be honored prior to placing new applicants in the program.
18. Is transportation provided?
No, parents are responsible for student transportation to and from all GATE and APAAS school locations.
19. Once placed in APAAS, must I reapply each year?
No, once a student is participating in the APAAS program, students continue through 6th grade. If an APAAS student is struggling socially or academically, we will work with the parents to review whether placement in the Program continues to be in the best interest of the student.
20. When and how will I be notified if my student has been selected for APAAS?
Students and parents are notified via email of placement by the end of May. Parents must confirm acceptance of placement via email to finalize the placement.
21. If a student does not get placed in APAAS, is there any chance to be placed after May?
If a program spot becomes available after the initial placement, placement will continue through the first six weeks of the school year. Program offers will be made to the highest scoring students in order of score.
22. What if I am an Irvine resident, but my child attends private (or other) school?
Irvine residents not currently enrolled in IUSD may submit an application form and provide their school information. Proof of residency will be required at time of application. The GATE Department may contact the school to gather additional necessary information. We may also ask for alternative information for all students not currently enrolled in IUSD.