Local bank teams up with philanthropic group to bring a school garden to Eastshore

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Eastshore Elementary School has long yearned for its own school garden. Now, thanks to some philanthropic volunteers from Silicon Valley Bank in Irvine, it’s coming.

Eastshore Garden

On Wednesday afternoon, about 20 bank employees and representatives from the group OneOC began prepping a 12-foot-by-40-foot patch of land on Eastshore’s south walkway for planting beds. Dozens of primary and upper-grade students, who will ultimately take over as farmers, gathered as school ended to show their appreciation.

Principal Lisa Kadam told us the first phase will bring flowers, shrubs and fruit trees, but the garden will evolve into a source of fresh produce for the Second Harvest Food Bank, which fights hunger in Orange County. In addition, the school plans to grow crops that align with standards-based lessons in science and social science, Kadam said.

“The students, staff and community are grateful to the generosity of Silicon Valley Bank, which helped this school dream become a reality,” she said.