Dear IUSD Community, Thank you to the nearly 2,500 stakeholders who participated in the Irvine Unified School District’s recent additional investments survey, as part of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process. The LCAP is an important part of our annual process because it aligns IUSD’s strategic planning with our budget to ensure we accomplish both State and District goals. Your input, insights and ideas have been critical components of this process. As a result of your feedback, the Board of Education, during the August 18, 2015 Board Meeting, approved the proposed additional investments. These investments support the following District focus areas for the 2015-16 academic year: 1. Direct Student Instructional Support 2. Mental Health Support 3. Increase School-Site Funding 4. California Standards Aligned Materials and Support 5. Equity and Safety We are excited about how these additional investments will positively impact our students, staff and school sites, as we prepare our students for a competitive 21st Century college and career environment. Survey results, an updated LCAP and budget presentation, and additional information will be posted this week on the District’s LCAP webpage. As we begin the next phase in the LCAP process this September for the 2016-17 school year, we will continue to seek your feedback throughout the year. This process will enable the District to further refine and enhance our planning and budget development. Recommendations will be brought to the Board in June 2016 for approval. Thank you again for your continued participation. It is your engagement, partnership and support that continues to enable IUSD to best serve our students. Best wishes for a wonderful and safe 2015-16 school year.