IUSD is excited the 2022-23 school year is underway for both our year round and traditional schools. We appreciate your partnership and support and look forward to making this a year filled with success, confidence and connectedness for our students. 
IUSD joined the Children’s Hospital of Orange County, the Tsao Family Foundation and the Orange County Department of Education to celebrate the District WellSpaces set to open for the 2022-23 school year.  
During the June 7, 2022 IUSD Board of Education Meeting, the District hosted a School Safety Presentation to share information about IUSD’s comprehensive approach to safety and emergency preparedness.  The video and presentation are now available.  
Superintendent Walker's end of the year letter shares messages of gratitude for the IUSD community, resources that may be helpful for students and families over the summer months, and the District's commitment to partnership and collaboration.
During the June 7 IUSD Board of Education Meeting, the District will host a school safety presentation to share information with the community about IUSD’s multi-layered approach to campus safety. IPD will also be on hand to provide information about their preparedness efforts.  
This article showcases this year’s ACE week, where IUSD Board Members and administrators shadowed classified employees to learn more about their daily jobs and responsibilities. 
This year, 73 IUSD employees are set to retire, collectively representing more than 1,865 years of service. 
IUSD congratulates and honors its five 2022 Classified Employees of the Year; Marcus Barnes, Breanna Moore, Keri O’Melveny, Julian Garcia and Michelle Escobar.
May 15-21 is Classified School Employee Appreciation Week.  IUSD appreciates each employee for their unwavering commitment to serve our schools and students. 
The Irvine Junior Games is both a fundraiser for the Irvine Children's Fund to provide affordable and reliable childcare on all 28 IUSD elementary school campuses, as well as a platform to encourage elementary and middle school students to embrace health and athletics.