Thursday, August 24, is the first day of the 2023-2024 traditional school year! IUSD is excited to welcome students back to school. If you need information about your child’s school, including the address and schedules, please visit iusd.org/schools for links to each school’s website.
We hope you find the following reminders helpful:
Traffic Safety
As you know, for the next couple of weeks, there will be heavier than usual traffic in and around our campuses. Please remember to leave plenty of time for drop offs and pick-ups, drive slowly, and watch for students walking, biking, crossing streets, and in parking lots.
Once in the school parking lot, please follow all traffic signs and directions from principals and school staff. Also, below are safety tips from the Irvine Police Department (IPD).
IPD Traffic Safety Tips:
- Leave early. You won’t have to rush if you plan for a little extra time.
- Obey all traffic, bike and pedestrian laws and signs, especially in school zones.
- When biking or skating wear a proper fitting helmet.
- Drop children off in the designated locations. Do not allow children to get out of the car in the middle of the street.
- Remember that everyone has the same goal of getting their children to school safely, so be patient with other drivers and pedestrians.
- Always obey crossing guards.
- Always use crosswalks.
- Do not engage in distracted driving. This is especially dangerous in school zones.
- IPD traffic officers patrol the streets near schools to ensure safety. Remember to slow down and make complete stops at stop signs.
Mandatory E-Vehicle Safety and Registration Program:
To help support the safe and responsible use of e-vehicles (e-bikes, e-scooters and e-skateboards), Irvine Unified School District middle and high schools have partnered with the Irvine Police Department (IPD) and will host safety presentations as part of IUSD’s new mandatory e-vehicle registration program.
Middle and high school students who travel to and from school using an electric vehicle are required to attend one of the e-Vehicle Safety Presentations by IPD. Click here to learn more. If your student is unable to participate in one of the five established presentations, contact their school directly for make-up options.
Stay Connected to IUSD
There are a number of reasons to stay connected to IUSD, including receiving important news and information about the District and your school on a regular basis. It is also important to know how to connect with IUSD during an emergency. Remember, staying connected to IUSD is as easy as 1,2,3.
- Email, Voicemail and Text Messages:
- Check your email, voicemail and text messages first.
- Make sure your contact information in the Parent Portal is up to date.
- Messages from schools and the District will be sent by ParentSquare via email. Families also have the option to download the app and set preferences for how you receive messages.
- Visit IUSD.org:
- Important alerts and ongoing updates are posted on the District homepage IUSD.org and at IUSD.org/news.
- IUSD Social Media:
In the event of a school or districtwide emergency, please check these resources first for official information. They are updated in real time and will help you get the information you need in a timely manner.
Parent Portal
Parent Portal is an important and confidential tool for parents, schools and the District. It is critical that you keep your information updated, so that in the event of an emergency we can contact you or you can access your student’s class and teacher information, as well as schedules and grades. It also includes information about emergency contacts and who is authorized to pick-up your child from school, in addition to important health and family information. Visit Parent Portal to make sure your information is up to date.
Campus Safety
IUSD’s priority is the safety and wellbeing of our students, staff and community. Our District has embraced a multi-pronged approach to school safety, including investments in campus security, technology, mental health and wellness, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), student and staff trainings, safety assessments, campus security personnel, and partnerships with the Irvine Police Department (IPD) and other local, state and national first responder and law enforcement agencies. To learn more, visit IUSD’s Safety Resources webpage, where you’ll find information about:
- IUSD safety initiatives
- Our partnership with the Irvine Police Department
- Staying connected to IUSD during emergencies
- Reunification information for students and families in the event of an emergency
- The Emergency Preparedness Interagency Collaborative founded by IUSD in 2014
- Mental health and wellness resources
- The important role students and families have in supporting school safety
- Emergency planning
- Links to Emergency Preparedness and Campus Safety presentations and resources
Mental Health and Wellness Resources and Supports
IUSD is committed to increasing awareness and access to mental health and wellness services and resources. We want our students to know that their voice matters, they are not alone, there is strength in speaking up, and we are here to help because we care.
The District’s Mental Health and Wellness team supports positive mental health and wellness, which is an essential component to lifelong success and integral to developing the whole child.
If at any time during the school year students need support, please do not hesitate to contact your principal, school mental health staff, a teacher or District staff and visit our Mental Health and Wellness webpage for more information about IUSD resources and supports.
Also, please remind your student(s) about the District’s Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, which enables students to seek help for themselves or their friends and is available 24/7.
Language Support Services
IUSD provides multiple ways for families of English Learners to be involved with their school communities and their children’s education. Seminars, workshops, and course offerings provide opportunities for families to access District and other resources, practice effective strategies to support student learning at home, establish home/school connections, and become active participants of IUSD and our school communities. For more information, click here.
Community Liaisons
IUSD Community Liaisons provide language support (interpretations) for parents and families in multiple languages for a variety of settings and meetings. They also provide information and supports to help connect IUSD’s diverse community with our schools and District Office.
Irvine Parent Education Program
In an effort to increase communication and understanding between parents and IUSD, parents/guardians are invited to attend any or all of the free meetings and workshops offered by the Irvine Parent Educational Program, which will resume starting September 2023. Please check back to the Irvine Parent Education Program website throughout the school year.
IUSD Parent Center
The IUSD Parent Center was established to help families be active partners with the District and our schools to support their student’s education. Center resources include laptop computers for parent/guardian use, direct access to our Community Liaisons, a lending library, workshops, and referrals and links to Orange County and City of Irvine resources for mental health, adult education, medical support and financial assistance. Our amazing Parent Center staff members are ready to welcome all families and to help support their needs.
The Parent Center is open daily 8 a.m.-4 p.m. for walk-ins and appointments, and 8 a.m.-7 p.m. every third Thursday of the month.
Free Student Meals
The State of California has committed to serving free meals to all students on campus. Therefore, ALL students on campus will be eligible to receive one free breakfast meal and one free lunch meal per day. (Please check your student's school schedule for serving times; breakfast is only served during morning recess at most elementary, K-8, and middle schools.) Additional meals and a la carte items will be charged full price. Click here to learn more.
Join the IUSD Team!
IUSD has a variety of full and part-time job opportunities! Some positions such as Instructional Assistants and Nutrition Services have hours that are good for parents who want to work while their student is in school. They also offer paid sick leave, holidays and vacations. Training is provided and no previous experience is needed.
Visit edjoin.org/IUSD for more information about available job opportunities and to apply. Come join our team!