This week, IUSD launched the Speak Up, We Care campaign districtwide to increase student and parent awareness and access to mental health and wellness services and resources. We want our students to know that their voice matters, they are not alone, there is strength in speaking up, and we are here to help because we care.
District’s Mental Health and Wellness team, in collaboration with students, parents, school and District staff, as well as city and Irvine Police Department representatives, developed the Speak Up, We Care campaign as part of IUSD’s commitment to building positive mental health and wellness, which is an essential component to lifelong success and integral to developing the whole child.
Every IUSD school will review a short 2-minute Speak Up, We Care video with all students and then engaged in an age-appropriate discussion. In addition, age-appropriate posters, directing students to support on their campus have been posted throughout the school. More information can also be found by visiting In addition to the video, this webpage provides information about IUSD mental health and wellness resources, information and contacts.
What You Can Do
Parents and family are encouraged to watch the video with their children and have a conversation about the message.
- Start with an open-ended question, such as, “What do you think about the message in this video?”
- In addition to reaching out to parents and family for support, please remind your child that adults at school care and want to connect. Give your child an opportunity to generate some solutions. You can also help connect them directly to Elementary or Middle School and High School resources for their school
- Please encourage your child to continue to speak up until he or she feels they have the necessary support.
Quarterly Themes
Each quarter, IUSD will introduce a new theme to support positive mental health and wellness. This quarter’s (October and November) Speak Up, We Care theme is Link Up. By encouraging students to Link Up, we want them to build connections, which are essential for happiness and success, become a part of their community, and have a sense of belonging.
What can you do to help your child Link Up?
- Encourage your child to participate in a school activity that interests him/her such as music, sports, or clubs.
- Consider joining community activities that interests your child such as the arts, sports, and volunteering.
- Talk with your child about adult resources on campus such as Elementary Resource Counseling Specialist, Guidance Assistant, School Nurse, School Counselor, Wellness Coordinator, School Psychologist, Project Success, Coach, and School Resource Officer.
Together, we can support our children and help them speak up for themselves and/or for a friend.