Orange County Register looks to the community to expand coverage of Irvine schools

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The Orange County Register would like to expand its coverage of Irvine schools – and you can help. To supplement the work of its staff of professional writers and photographers, the newspaper is calling on you, the citizen journalists of the world, to submit photos and short stories about campus events, festivals and honors. Each submission will be considered for publication on the Register’s website and in the Irvine World News. Editors say they’re interested in timely stories and photos that document school fundraisers, festivals, competitions and special events, as well as the honors, accolades and prizes won by IUSD’s students and staff. The text should tell readers what happened, when it happened, where it happened and how many attended, along with any other relevant information. (For example, a story about a school fundraiser should note how much money was raised and for what cause.) All submissions should be emailed to Theresa Cisneros at or Paul Danison at Photos must be in the “.jpg” format, accompanied by a few lines that identify the people in the photo, describe what they’re doing and indicate the date and time the picture was taken. Oh yeah, and be sure to include your name, phone number and email address so the paper can contact you and give you credit if your story or photo is published. Good luck!