The summertime is often filled with long hot days in the sun that can include swimming, playing outside, biking, hiking and more! We hope you have a safe summer and would like to share important water, sun, and bike safety reminders for families from the Irvine Police Department (IPD), the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
ABCs of Water Safety (OCFA)
Remember the ABC’s of water safety:
- A – Active Adult Supervision.
- B – Barriers to prevent toddlers and children from falling into the pool.
- C – Classes, so children know how to swim is important. Do not rely on swimming aids for safety.
Click on the links below for more information about the ABC’s of water safety and remember to never swim alone.
English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Farsi
Visit the OCFA drowning prevention webpage for more tips and videos.
E-Bike and Bike Safety (IPD)
- Click here for detailed e-bike safety rules, laws and tips.
- For protection, always wear a helmet that has been approved by the American National Standards Institute.
- Ride a bike that is in good working condition and properly fit to size.
- Obey all traffic signs and signals and ride predictably. Stay away from cars, abide by traffic, and communicate intentions to others with clear signals or gestures.
- Always carry a lock to secure a bike once arrived at the destination.
- Register bikes with the Irvine Police Department, which will help to recover it in the event of theft.
Visit the City of Irvine’s website for more Bike Safety Tips. In addition, The Irvine Police Department has created a traffic safety video with important tips for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers in and around school zones, driveways and crosswalks.
Sun Safety
During the summer months, UVA and UVB rays are at their peak intensity, which can lead to painful sunburns that have long-term, damaging effects on the skin. Each day, it is important to apply sunscreen that is at least SPF 15 or higher. One way to avoid direct sunlight exposure is to seek shade whenever it may be available. When there is not shade in sight, wear sunscreen and reapply every two hours. In addition, wearing protective clothing, sunglasses, and hats can help prevent sun damage.
Information provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
This summer, IUSD will also share information from the Irvine Police Department's summer safety series. In additional to IUSD's communication channels, you may also find this helpful and important information by visiting IPD's web and social media sites.
Best wishes for a fun and safe summer!