In this article are reminders that maybe helpful in advance of the new school year, including traffic, bike and helmet safety tips, how to Stay Connected to IUSD throughout the year and during emergencies, Parent Portal information, Speak Up We Care resources, language support services, and information about the District’s website.
August is National Wellness Month.  While every day should be wellness day, more often than not, we get caught up in our busy lives and wellness can take a back seat.  This article provides wellness tips and information for students and families.
As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, IUSD joins millions throughout the country to raise awareness about this important topic. 
Free lecture from well-known adolescent psychologist Dr. Jerry Weichman about the impact positive social relationships have on teenagers’ mental health and physical well-being.
The Speak Up, We Care campaign is districtwide and designed to increase student and parent awareness and access to mental health and wellness services and resources. We want our students to know that their voice matters, they are not alone, there is strength in speaking up, and we are here to help because we care.
Mental Health Awareness Month is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and the multi-tiered supports available for IUSD students.
IUSD wants your feedback on the Annual Survey, which closes Thursday, February 15.
Topics addressed by Superintendent Walker included student centered learning, funding, staff, teaching and learning, facilities, and technology.  
Last week, Oct. 23-27, IUSD schools celebrated Red Ribbon Week, a week in which awareness is raised around drug prevention and making healthy choices. This year’s theme in Irvine was “Your Future is Key, Who Will You Be?”
The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory in effect for Orange County for Monday and Tuesday with an extension possible through Wednesday. IUSD outdoor activities and practices will be modified accordingly to ensure student safety.