As previously communicated, the IUSD Board of Education has been engaged in an extensive process to consider transitioning to a by-trustee area method of electing members of the IUSD Board of Education. During the May 29 Board Meeting, after hearing a staff presentation, conducting two public hearings and reviewing multiple proposed trustee area maps, the Board unanimously voted to transition from the current at-large election method to a by-trustee area election method and unanimously selected a map that best meets the approved criteria for selecting trustee areas.
Click here to watch a recording of the May 29 Board Meeting.
Board Members communicated their interest and intent to continue to represent all Irvine communities, residents, and students as a unified Board, committed to providing the highest quality educational experience IUSD can envision.
To review the selected trustee area map, titled “Purple IV”, presentations and District correspondence, please visit iusd.org/BoardElectoralProcess. Residents are invited to use the interactive map to learn which trustee area they reside in. Please note, this process has no effect on school district or student attendance boundaries.
Next Steps:
On June 20, 2018, at 6 p.m., the County Committee on School District Organization will hold a public hearing, at IUSD’s Administration Office, to review the process undertaken by IUSD and the selected trustee area map. If approved by the County Committee on School District Organization, the by-trustee area election method and selected map will be in place in time for the November 2018 election.
County Committee Public Hearing:
Wednesday, June 20, 2018 – 6 p.m.
IUSD Administration Office, Board Room
5050 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604