For the sixth consecutive year, IUSD has been named one of the nation’s Best Communities for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation.
The Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) would like to encourage parent and student participation in the 2018-19 school funding survey, which is part of the 10-month LCAP process. 
Brywood Elementary, Deerfield Elementary, Plaza Vista School, and Turtle Rock Elementary have been named 2018 California Distinguished Schools.  This designation is the state’s top honor for schools.  
Accompanied by a handful of teachers, administrators, school board members and PTA representatives, 28 IUSD high school students recently traveled to Sacramento to discuss issues impacting education with state legislators and other influential policymakers.
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Click here to read an open letter from IUSD to the Orange County Board of Supervisors encouraging them to support agenda item 14e for BOS-3-27-18 to rescind placing up to 400 homeless individuals near 10 IUSD schools.

On March 13, 2018, the IUSD Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 17-18-28: Intent to Initiate the Process of Establishing Trustee Areas and Elections By-Trustee Areas. The purpose of this resolution is to commence the process to consider establishing trustee areas for the method of electing members of the IUSD Board of Education.

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As part of our annual instructional materials adoption process, instructional materials covering the content areas of English/Language Arts, World Language, Mathematics, Visual and Performing Arts, Health, Science, and History/Social Science, have been recommended for adoption.

IUSD wants your feedback on the Annual Survey, which closes Thursday, February 15.
IUSD would like feedback from our parent community on the 2019-20 school calendars for both traditional and year-round schools.  
Portola High School, which opened in August 2016, has received two prestigious awards representing the "pinnacle of design and construction achievement."