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Our very own Lakeside Middle School is in the running for the highest honor bestowed upon K-12 campuses in the U.S.

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We interrupt your regularly scheduled winter recess to share a little good news.

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The Irvine Public Schools Foundation has teamed up with Vizio and local alt-rockers Young the Giant for a video c

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Want to get rid of some old electronics and help an Irvine school at the same time?

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The selection of a new president wasn't the only big news at Tuesday night's Board of Education meeting.

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Two IUSD high schools have been named semifinalists in the esteemed Grammy Signature School program, which annually recognizes campuses that provide exceptional music opportunities for students.

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The Southern California Half Marathon and 5K race presented by Kaiser Permanente has teamed up with the Irvine Public Schools Foundation, which will be a charitable partner in the Jan. 7 event.

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A Culverdale Elementary School teacher and a pair of local students braved the elements last weekend to take part in the 2011 Orange County Buddy Walk in Anaheim.