IUSD’s sustainability team held a poster contest, as part of Earth Day, and asked students to create an original work of art on a poster or create a video demonstrating the theme, “Fighting Climate Change by Reducing Food Waste.” Students showcased the importance of reducing and recycling food waste to reduce greenhouse gases.
This year, there were 34 poster and 18 video winners across grade levels. Click here to view their posters and videos.
Poster Winners:
- Quinn Shephard, Eastshore Elementary School
- Adriel Denis, Oak Creek Elementary School
- Miranda Liu, Solis Park K-8 School
First Grade
- Gashvi Arora, Plaza Vista K-8 School
- Atharv Nitin Hujare, Plaza Vista K-8 School
- Shaurya Jadhav, , Plaza Vista K-8 School
Second Grade
- Junyong Lee, Beacon Park K-8 School
- Cecelia Yu, Canyon View Elementary School
- Aksha Sri, Northwood Elementary School
Third Grade
- Lorri Lee, Northwood Elementary School
- Nirva Bopaliya, Portola Springs Elementary School
- Pranavi Pisipati, Stonegate Elementary School
Fourth Grade
- Eileen Kim, Greentree Elementary School
- Adiv Mittal, Oak Creek Elementary School
- Laim Oh, Woodbury Elementary School
Fifth Grade
- Grace Oh, Cadence Park K-8 School
- Charis Kim, Cypress Village Elementary School
- Siqiao Wang, Eastshore Elementary School
Sixth Grade
- Daniel Chung, Canyon View Elementary School
- Lucy Kim, Meadow Park Elementary School
- Juliet Cho, Woodbury Elementary School
Seventh Grade
- Sumin (Sera) Han, Beacon Park K-8 School
- Mahima Wuppalapati, Beacon Park K-8 School
- Gayatri Sivakoti, Lakeside Middle School
Eighth Grade
- Shawn Hwangbo , Cadence Park K-8 School
- Heather Lee, Jeffrey Trail Middle School
- Sam Lee, South Lake Middle School
Ninth Grade
- Emily Law, North Wood High School
- Hyunjung Lee, Northwood High School
- Amy Wong, Woodbridge High School
Tenth Grade
- Jimin Han, Portola High School
- Enkhmaral Ganzorig, Woodbridge High School
Eleventh Grade
- Dylan Chung, Portola High School
- Ananya Karthikeyan, University High School
Video Winners:
- Kevin Man Amatya, Canyon View Elementary School
- Ahana Vishnoi, Loma Ridge Elementary School
First Grade
- Nidhi Mohan, Oak Creek Elementary School
- Lila Mikdadi, Vista Verde K-8 School
- Hannah Yang, Vista Verde K-8 School
Second Grade
- Neha Karthika, Woodbury Elementary School
Third Grade
- Kavisha Gupta, Deerfield Elementary School
- Dhiksitha Chellan, Solis Park K-8 School
- Kushal Agarwal, Stonegate Elementary School
- Rafael Goodstein, University Park Elementary School
Fourth Grade
- Ela Cilek, Oak Creek Elementary School
- Matias and Lukas Salazar, Solis Park K-8 School
- Vedant Godbole, Westpark Elementary School
Fifth Grade
- Peyton Riedl, Deerfield Elementary School
Sixth Grade
- Nolan Soo, Deerfield Elementary School
- Arnav Shanmugam, Canyon View Elementary School
- Kenzie Collins, Sofia Mejia, Milena Spasic, Isabella San Roman, Addison Pearson, Micah Char, Charlie Rittenhouse, and Blake Gramata, Springbrook Elementary School (Group)
Tenth Grade
- Haeun (Leah) Sim, Portola High School
Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all of the IUSD students who participated in the Earth Day poster and video contest. Our student’s creativity, innovation and imagination shines through each work of art!
Click here for more information about IUSD’s sustainability work.