Risha Shukla, a Sierra Vista Middle School eighth-grader who co-founded an organization that brings cheer to children with serious medical issues, was recently named California’s top middle school volunteer for 2010 through the Prudential Spiri
Add Thomas Hsu to the growing list of IUSD students who have earned perfect scores on the SAT. Hsu, a junior at University High School, recently learned that he aced every multiple-choice question on the famed college entrance exam.
District NewsFlash recently featured a story about a creative fundraiser at Alderwood Basics Plus, benefitting relief efforts in Haiti.
The 23rd annual Astounding Inventions contest, presented by Greenberg Traurig LLP and the Irvine Valley College Foundation, will be held this Saturday, Jan. 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Irvine Valley College’s Hart Gymnasium.
Did you know there are worms that fight, and that plankton prefers open ocean water to bay water?
A University High School senior has been named a semifinalist in the annual Intel Science Talent Search, America’s oldest and most prestigious high school science competition.
“What act of kindness would you do with $10?” That’s the question being posed to Woodbury Elementary students, who will each be given ten dollars next week to brighten someone else’s day.
In case you missed it, a University High student recently achieved perfection on the SAT. Hope Xu, a junior at Uni, accomplished what less than 0.02 percent of test-taking seniors did last year, posting a flawless 2400 on the college entrance exam.
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